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Kerama Islands

"Kerama Blue" Ocean for all types of divers

The Kerama Islands are a group of islands(20 Islands large and small) located 32 km southwest of Okinawa Island.
Four of the islands are Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Island, and Geruma Island.
It is a 20min to 1hour ferry ride away from Port of Tomarin at Naha city.
It is said that there are over 200 types of Corals with over 100 dive points in this area catering to all types of dives around the world.
One of the Island "Zamami" recieved 2 Stars by "Michelin Green Guide".
The Kerama-shotō coral reef is a Ramsar Site. The The Ramsar Convention is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands Adopted in 1971.
The diving style here is basically, a day trip from Naha city. So you can also enjoy the local city life during your stay.

Okinawa-Kerama Islands

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-variety of Tropical marine animals
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)
-spotted garden eel(Heteroconger hassi)
-Orange-striped shrimpgoby(Stonogobiops yasha)
-Napoleon Fish(Cheilinus undulatus )
-squarespot anthias(Pseudanthias pleurotaenia)
-Sailfin Queen(Pseudanthias pascalus )
-Pink Basslet,(Pseudanthias hypselosoma)
-Redeye goby(Bryaninops natans)
-Ribbon Eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita)
-Leaf scorpionfish(Taenianotus triacanthus)
-Electric clam(Ctenoides ales)
-Bluefin Trevally(Caranx melampygus)
-Giant trevally(Caranx ignobilis)
-Whitetip reef shark(Triaenodon obesus)
-Whitecap Shrimpgoby(Lotilia klausewitzi)
-Zebra barred dartfish(Ptereleotris zebra )
-Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
-Mandarin(Synchiropus splendidus)
-Blackfin dartfish(Ptereleotris evides)
-Blackfin Coralgoby(Paragobiodon lacunicolus)

Shops in the area

Sunkissed Divers Okinawa サンキスダイバーズ沖縄

  • Okinawa Main Island, Okinawa
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • Shop link
Resort Image

Pink Marlin Club ピンクマーリンクラブ

  • Main Island, Okinawa
  • Japanese, English
  • CashCredit Card
  • Resort
  • Shop link

Honu Honu Divers ホヌホヌダイバーズ

  • Main Island, Okinawa
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI
  • Shop link