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About Tokyo

Diving in Tokyo offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater wonders of the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands, located just off the coast of the bustling metropolis. These volcanic islands, part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, are renowned for their pristine waters, rich biodiversity, and stunning underwater landscapes.

The warm Black currents that flow through this region bring an abundance of tropical marine life from the south, creating an ideal environment for diving enthusiasts. From colorful coral reefs to mesmerizing underwater rock formations, the dive sites around the Izu and Ogasawara Islands offer a wealth of exploration for divers of all levels.

One of the highlights of diving in Tokyo is the chance to encounter unique marine species, including endemic creatures that call these islands home. Divers may have the opportunity to swim alongside large schools of fish, encounter majestic Hammerhead sharks around Oshima Island, and marvel at the diverse array of marine life that thrives in these pristine waters.

While the islands may seem remote and difficult to access, they offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life in Tokyo. Visitors can enjoy the modern amenities of Tokyo before embarking on a journey to explore the untouched natural beauty of the islands, either by ferry or by flying to select destinations such as Hachijojima Island.

Whether you're a seasoned diver looking for new adventures or a beginner eager to explore the underwater world, diving in Tokyo promises an unforgettable experience that combines the excitement of urban exploration with the tranquility of nature. So pack your gear, dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Izu and Ogasawara Islands, and discover the hidden treasures that await beneath the surface of Tokyo's coastal waters.

Local Areas

Tokyo Area Map

Areas in Tokyo

Shikinejima Island

Only a 3hour Jet ferry ride away from Tokyo, it is a 12km Island full of nature. Surrounded by saw tooth shores, it is a popular beach Island for local Japanese. Underwater, there is a famous underwater hot spring bent. You can sometimes see sea turtles visiting this unique underwater Onsen.

Tokyo-Shikinejima Island

Kozujima Island

4hours Jet ferry away, Kozujima Island is located in the middle of the Izu 7 Islands. Right on the path of the Black current, the ocean is very tropical with rain through out the year making this Island filled with nature, over and underwater.

Tokyo-Kozujima Island

Izu Oshima

Dynamic underwater landscape formaed by the underwater valcano 

Izu Oshima is located at 120km south of Tokyo. You can take the 2hour fast ferry or fly 40min to this Island. As the Black current from the south hit's the Island directly, the visibility is good all year round.
Diving in Izu Oshima is 100% conducted in beach-entry style and the most famous beach spot would be, "Akinohama".
You can giant stride into the ocean and use a ladder to exit. The point offeres shallow water areas and also you can follow the reef to the deep wates as well.


Tokyo-Izu Oshima

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of squid
-Variety of Sea Horse
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Variety of Frogfish
-Japanese Angelfish(Centropyge interrupta) 
-Japanese Bullhead Shark(Heterodontus japonicus )

Summer months:
-School of Scalloped hammerhead(Sphyrna lewini) during the very early morning dive.
If your very lucky:
-Pelagic thresher(Alopias pelagicus)

Winter months:
-Variety of deep water creatures

Shops in the area

Yellow Dive and Komugi Terrace イエローダイブ & コムギテラス

  • Oshima Island, Tokyo
  • Japanese, English
  • CashCredit Card
  • Resort
  • PADI
  • Shop link

DiveZone Tokyo ダイブゾーン東京

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Divers トウキョウ ダイバーズ

  • Shizuoka Izu, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Frogs 東京フロッグズ

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • NAUI
  • Shop link

Miyakejima Island

Japanese area endemic species

Located 180km south of Tokyo, this Island was formed by an underwater volcano. Recent eruption with the Island residence evacuation off the Island occurred on 2000, just about 20years ago. Since then, the Island has recovered into a popular tourism site.
Due to it's formation, the underwater terrains are in one word "Dynamic".  As the water  temperature rising over to about 27-30C from the Summer to the Autumn seasons, Miyakejima has become a very popular diving location in Japan. You an enjoy Dolphin swimming on Mikurajima Island which is about an hour boat ride away.

Tokyo-Miyakejima Island

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Sea Horse
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Variety of Frogfish
-Wrought-iron butterflyfish(Chaetodon daedalma)
-Japanese pygmy angelfish (Centropyge interrupta)
-Striped boarfish(Evistias acutirostris)

Shops in the area

DiveZone Tokyo ダイブゾーン東京

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Divers トウキョウ ダイバーズ

  • Shizuoka Izu, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Frogs 東京フロッグズ

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • NAUI
  • Shop link

Hachijojima Island

Tropical Paradise off the coast of Tokyo

Located 290km south from Tokyo, Hachijyojima Island can be described as a tropical Tokyo right in the path of the Black current(Warm current). It is only a 50min airplane ride from Haneda airport in Tokyo.
There are many diving points all around this 60km radius Island, all offering great visibility all year round. Due to it's isolated location in the middle of the Pacific, this Island is popular among the Japanese divers for it's dynamic underwater terrain and the diversity of marine life. The beautiful endemic Wrought-iron butterflyfish(Chaetodon daedalma)  and Red tail trigger fish (Xanthichthys mento)are among the most favorites.

Tokyo-Hachijojima Island

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Wrought-iron butterflyfish(Chaetodon daedalma)
             :In Schools Spring and Autumn
-Red tail trigger fish (Xanthichthys mento)
-Banded boarhead(Evistias acutirostris)

During the Autumn season:
-School of Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
-School of Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata)
-School of Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)

During the Winter season:
-Harlequin shrimp(Hymenocera picta)

Shops in the area

Diving Club Concolor ダイビングクラブ コンカラー

  • Hachijyojima Island, Tokyo
  • Japanese, English
  • CashCredit Card
  • Resort
  • PADI
  • Shop link

DiveZone Tokyo ダイブゾーン東京

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Divers トウキョウ ダイバーズ

  • Shizuoka Izu, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • PADI, Others
  • Shop link

Tokyo Frogs 東京フロッグズ

  • Dive from Tokyo city, Tokyo
  • English, Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • City
  • NAUI
  • Shop link

Ogasawara Islands

All photographs provided by Shuzo Koda

World natural heritage ocean in Tokyo

Although Ogasawara is Tokyo, it is 1,000km to the south from the center of the city. It is called the Galapagos of Asia. It is famous for the different types of whales and dolphins you may encounter in these waters. If your lucky, you may have a chance to dive in with them.

Tokyo-Ogasawara Islands

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of macro creatures
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of  shrimps & crabs
-Sand sharks(Odontaspididae)

During Winter to Spring seasons:
-Humpback whale(Megaptera novaeangliae)

During Spring とSummer seasons:
-Giant school of Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) -

During the Summer season:
-Giant school of Yellow and blueback fusilie(Caesio teres)
-Giant school of Bartail fusilier(Pterocaecio tile)

During the Autumn season:
-School of Giant trevally(Caranx ignobilis)
-School of Bluefin Trevally(Caranx melampygus)

During  Summer to Autumn seasons:
-Sperm whale(Physeter macrocephalus)

World Heritage Ogasawara Islands

Article by the Japan National Tourism Organization published on 2011/7 In June 2011, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has...

Ogasawara Islands: Japan's Galapagos

This was an article published by Xray Magazine December 2018(Issue 90) Text and Photos by Don Silcock

Shops in the area