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Sakurajima Island Kinkowan Bay

Lava made drop off and Macro heaven!

The symble of Kagoshima, the Sakurajima is a 55km meter Island n the center of the Kinko bay. Sakurajima is an easy 15min(24hours operation) ferry ride access from the center of  Kagoshima city.
Over 200m deep, with the dynamic drop off made by the lava, the Kagoshima diving spot will be a qunique experience. The must see item here are the large school of  Red-belted anthias(Pseudanthias rubrizonatus Randall, 1983).Normally found in the deep waters 40-50m around Japan, here you can see them at depth of 10-15m.
This area was designated as a "Sakurajima-Kinkowan Geopark" with many onland tourist atttractions.

What you can see

What you can see:
All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-School of Red-belted anthias(Pseudanthias rubrizonatus)
-Large colonies of Yellow faced shrimp goby(Stonogobiops xanthorhinica)
-Blue hana goby(Ptereleotris hanae)

Shops in the area


  • Sakurajima, Kagoshima
  • Japanese
  • Cash
  • City
  • NAUI
  • Shop link