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About Kagoshima

Diving in Kagoshima Prefecture offers a diverse and exciting underwater experience, ranging from the unique volcanic landscapes around Sakurajima Island to the pristine waters surrounding the Amami Islands.

Situated on the island of Kyushu, Kagoshima Prefecture boasts a remarkable geographical diversity, including the active volcano Sakurajima and the scenic Amami Islands chain. While Sakurajima provides opportunities for land-based exploration, including hiking and enjoying panoramic views, its surrounding waters offer intriguing diving experiences.

Diving around Sakurajima Island and its surrounding bay allows divers to explore underwater landscapes shaped by volcanic activity. From rugged volcanic rock formations to unique marine habitats, divers can encounter a variety of marine life, including colorful fish and other fascinating creatures.

Beyond Sakurajima, Kagoshima Prefecture's island chains offer even more diving opportunities. Stretching from mainland Kyushu to the Okinawa Islands, these islands boast sub-tropical to tropical ocean environments, providing divers with a range of dive sites to explore.

Whether you're intrigued by the volcanic landscapes around Sakurajima or drawn to the pristine waters of the Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture promises an unforgettable diving experience that showcases the region's natural beauty and rich marine biodiversity.

Local Areas

Kagoshima Area Map

Areas in Kagoshima

Iwojima Island

Still an active volcano, the volcanic activity can be seen on the Island and in the sea around the Island. There is no diving shop on the Island itself so you need to find a diving shop excursion trip from Kagoshima.
Underwater, the marine life is bursting with many size fishes schooling around.

Kagoshima-Iwojima Island

Tokunoshima Island

Located in the center of the Amami Islands, Tokunoshima nature is still untouched compared to the other Islands. From this reason, it is very popular amongst the core divers in Japan. 30%of the diving sites here is a beach dive. Giving you many sites to choose from.

Kagoshima-Tokunoshima Island

Minami Satsuma

Abundant marine life with excellent visibility.

Located on the Satsuma peninsula Kagoshima. A diving point located in the  sawtooth shaped coastline.Many underwater photographer keep going back to this wonderful diving location as it offers many rare and beautiful marine creatures all year round. 

Kagoshima-Minami Satsuma

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Ornate slippery goby(Lubricogobius ornatus)
-harlequin shrimp(Hymenocera picta)


Kyusyu's top visibility diving site

Bonotsu is a town located in Kawanabe District. Facing the East China Sea and getting the full benefit from the Black current, the visibility here is always 15m over and can reach up to 30m during the Winter months.


What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata)
-Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
-Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata)
-Scalefin anthias(Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
-Stocky anthias(Pseudanthias hypselosoma )
-Bicolor anthias(Pseudanthias bicolor)

Sakurajima Island Kinkowan Bay

Lava made drop off and Macro heaven!

The symble of Kagoshima, the Sakurajima is a 55km meter Island n the center of the Kinko bay. Sakurajima is an easy 15min(24hours operation) ferry ride access from the center of  Kagoshima city.
Over 200m deep, with the dynamic drop off made by the lava, the Kagoshima diving spot will be a qunique experience. The must see item here are the large school of  Red-belted anthias(Pseudanthias rubrizonatus Randall, 1983).Normally found in the deep waters 40-50m around Japan, here you can see them at depth of 10-15m.
This area was designated as a "Sakurajima-Kinkowan Geopark" with many onland tourist atttractions.

Kagoshima-Sakurajima Island Kinkowan Bay

What you can see

What you can see:
All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-School of Red-belted anthias(Pseudanthias rubrizonatus)
-Large colonies of Yellow faced shrimp goby(Stonogobiops xanthorhinica)
-Blue hana goby(Ptereleotris hanae)

Shops in the area


  • Sakurajima, Kagoshima
  • Japanese
  • Cash
  • City
  • NAUI
  • Shop link

Yakushima Island

UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve

Yakushima is one of the Ōsumi Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. The recommended access to the island is by hydrofoil ferry,or by air to Yakushima Airport. The majority of the island is within the borders of the Kirishima-Yaku National Park.In 1980 an area of 18,958 ha was designated a UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve, and since then, many visitors from all over the world visit this Island.Due to the Black current, the visibility can be over 20m all through the year.
If you love nature both on land and underwater, this is the place to visit.


What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of seahorses
-Large school of fishes

End of May to End of July:
-Sea turtle spawning on the beaches
-Variety of Tropical marine animals

Shops in the area


Big fish diving in yet to be explored ocean
Located in the black current's path, you can see large school of bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)  at Kuchinoshima Island all year round. If your lucky, you can snorkel with the mantas here. Divers often refer this Island as Palau.The water temperature average around 22C all year.


What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Large school of fishes
-Variety of sharks
-Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
-Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
-Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) *not in AUgust・September

During Autumn season:
-School of spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)

End of October to Mid May:
-Manta ray (Manta birostris)

Amami Oshima North

Big fish diving on the Pacific side

Amami Ōshima is one of the Satsunan Islands, and is the largest island within the Amami archipelago between Kyūshū and Okinawa.
The island is of volcanic origin, with Mount Yuwanda at 605 metres above sea level at its highest peak. The coast of the island is surrounded by a coral reef. It is surrounded by the East China Sea on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east.
THe North side of the Island is closest to the airport. YOu may be able to dive on the day you arrive this Island. YOu can both enjoy the calm bay and the outsaide ocean, where you have the chance to encounter the big schooling fishes.

Kagoshima-Amami Oshima North

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Variety of sharks
-Large school of fishes
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)

Shops in the area

Amami Diving Shop Never Land 奄美大島ダイビングショップ ネバーランド

  • Amami Island, Kagoshima
  • Japanese
  • CashCredit Card
  • Resort
  • SSI
  • Shop link

Amami Oshima Center area

Choice of variety of diving points from North to the South

Amami Ōshima is one of the Satsunan Islands, and is the largest island within the Amami archipelago between Kyūshū and Okinawa.
The island is of volcanic origin, with Mount Yuwanda at 605 metres above sea level at its highest peak. The coast of the island is surrounded by a coral reef. It is surrounded by the East China Sea on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east.
The center area has access to all of the Island, giving you more choices during your stay.

Kagoshima-Amami Oshima Center area

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Variety of sharks
-Large school of fishes
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)

Amami Oshima South area

Relax diving between the 3 large Islands

Amami Ōshima is one of the Satsunan Islands, and is the largest island within the Amami archipelago between Kyūshū and Okinawa.
The island is of volcanic origin, with Mount Yuwanda at 605 meters above sea level at its highest peak. The coast of the island is surrounded by a coral reef. It is surrounded by the East China Sea on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east.
The south side is more protected and you can enjoy the relaxed fish watching time underwater. enjoy it's beautiful coral reefs and beautiful underwater sand dunes.

Kagoshima-Amami Oshima South area

What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Macro marine life
-Variety of sharks
-Large school of fishes
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)


The famous giant ball of bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)

Okinoerabujima is one of the Satsunan Islands, classed with the Amami archipelago between Kyūshū and Okinawa.The island is an elevated coralline island with a length of approximately 20 km and width of 7 km, with Mount Ōyama at 246 m above sea level at its highest peak.In the eastern part of the island is an extensive limestone cave system, one of the largest in Asia. The coast of the island is surrounded by a coral reef. The average temperature is 22C and the average water temperature is about 23C.


What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Tropical marine animals
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)
-Sea tuttle (During May Seaturtle Spawning on the beach)
-Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
-Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)


Crystal clear ocean with dynamic underwater terrain
Yoronjima, Okinawan and Yoron is one of the Amami Islands.Yoronjima is the southernmost of the Amami Islands and is located approximately 22 km north of Hedo Point, the northernmost point of Okinawa Island. and 563 km  south of the southern tip of Kyushu.
The island is an elevated coralline island with a highest point 97 m above sea level. The coast of the island is surrounded by a coral reef.  Diving on the north side, you can enjoy the coroal reef diving and wreck diving. Here you can most like encounter a friendly sea turtle.
As the Island has no river and are surrounded by 1000m deep ocean, the visibility can get up to 20-35m. The average water temperature of around 23c makes diving here a treat.


What you can see

All year round:
-Variety of nudibranch
-Variety of Shrimps and Crabs
-Variety of Tropical marine animals
-Giant cuttlefish(Sepia (Sepia) latimanus)
-Sea tuttle (During May Seaturtle Spawning on the beach)
-Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
-Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)

Yamakawaoki Kamise

Open only between March to August, Kamise has a series of underwater reefs rising up to 6m depth. In Spring time, you may encounter large school of Tuna and dolphins. Also there are sightings of Thrasher Sharks and hammerheads here.

Kagoshima-Yamakawaoki Kamise

Tanegashima Island

Tanegashima is famous for it's rocket launch station, it is only a 35min plane ride or a 1hour35min Speed ferry ride from Kagoshima.
Underwater, the diving sites are generally shallow but the currents are strong. Drift diving from the boat is the norm here. If you prefer a more relaxing fish watching dive, you ca also enjoy the beach diving points around the Island.

Kagoshima-Tanegashima Island

Average Water Temperatures