Pinnacle Diving Company(PDC) Youtube video added
Pinnacle Diving Company(PDC) has many Youtube videos for Japanese diving site. We will update our diving destination page with collaboration with PDC.We added diving location videos for , Kumomi ,IOP ,Osezaki, Atami of Shizuoka prefecture. HAve a look and Enjoy!!
JNTO Released 3 new videos to promote Japan Diving
Japan Natuonal Tourism Organization(JNTO) just realeased 3 new videos to promote Japan as a diving destination.
The videos are
JAPAN DIVING | Sea of the Kuroshio Current | JNTO
JAPAN DIVING | Sea of Macro Creatures | JNTO
JAPAN DIVING | Sea of Endemic Species | JNTO
New Shop added "Sunkissed Divers Okinawa" of mainland Okinawa
Sunkissed Divers Okinawa is now added to our NPO family list. They can take you all around Okinawa, including the Kerama Islands and USS emmonds.
New Shop added "Marine Studio Dragon Lady(Shizuoka), Goto Diving Lagoon(Nagasaki)"
Marine Stage Dragon Lady of Shizuoka prefecture and Goto Diving Lagoon of Nagasaki prefecture are added to the shop list. Both offering diving tours around the area.
Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO) announces Winners for the"Japan Underwater Photo Contest 2020"
Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO) has aanounced the winners for the "Japan Underwater Photo Contest 2020"